Thursday, April 2, 2015

"I am a part of everything I read." -Theodore Roosevelt

Today was another fun day at PALS.  Seeing the library filled with over 35 kids diving into books is so amazing!  We started over our chart just two short meetings ago and they already made it to 100 books!  
Three boys second grade, sixth grade, and high school all brought together by books!  Thankful for a high schooler that wasn't too cool to wear these silly headbands because Jarell's face lit up when they won!
Terrence and De'Mauri were our other PALS of the Week!  De'Mauri met his AR goal for the 4th nine weeks this meeting!

Coach Scribner reading Harry Potter wiht Jacari! 

"Reading gives us someplace to go when we have to stay where we are." -Mason Cooley

Last week's blog post is a few weeks late due to Spring Break madness, but I couldn't let this cute pictures go without their own post!  We started nominating PALS of the Week and the kids love it!  Whoever the teachers notice doing an exceptional job that day gets to take home the PALS of the Week headbands.
Carmeleeta and Jayla run straight for each other the second PALS starts!  Carmeleeta's reading confidence has grown so much since since Jayal became her PAL.  These girls definitely deserved PALS of the Week!
Fred and Marcus took 5 AR tests in one meeting and were smiling the whole time!

Siblings at PALS

This little kindergartener from Ms. Walker's class impresses everyone with her reading skills!

Glasses twins and PALS

Saturday, March 14, 2015

"The only thing you absolutely have to know, is the location of a library." -Albert Einstein

We haven't had PALS in so long due to snow days EVERY Thursday!  This week we were thankfully actually in school!  As a club, the kiddos have officially read 200 books together, so of course we celebrated!  Having cupcakes and and dance party was the perfect way to make sure the kids know I am proud of them!

Also, the AR Goal Achievers for this nine weeks were announced!  We have 25 Kindergarten, first and second graders who get a PAL.  Our 3 kindergarteners aren't quite ready for AR.  We had 15 of the 22 first and second graders meet their AR goal!  Also, three of our students made it to the 100 point club will be going on a Limo Ride later this year!  It is incredibly hard for students so young to qualify for this amazing reward; they had to read over 200 books!  
Dance Party!

Cupcakes!  YAY 200 books!

The 200 book goal is complete!  What should our next goal be??

Ms. Husted's best friend, Ms. Shelia, was in town and made an awesome PAL!

These boys love reading!

Thanks for stopping by Ms. Gordon!  

Thursday, February 19, 2015

"I cannot live without books." -Thomas Jefferson

Today after PALS, an amazing mom came inside in below freezing weather to share with us how PALS has changed her son's outlook on reading.  She said that before he started staying after school with us reading was a chore that she had to force him into and now he follows her around with books all day long.   That morning, he even read to her in the car on the way to school!  Hearing this was the perfect end to another amazing meeting!  

The kids have officially read, 193 books!  I forgot to take a picture of our book count, but I believe we will hit 200 next meeting!  If you're a parent, don't tell the kids!! It's a surprise! 

Thursday, February 12, 2015

"The stories we love best live in us forever." -JK Rowling

The quote I chose this week is inspired by two PALS, who each week they are together choose the same book.  They find "Bike Lessons" so hilarious they have in memorized and choral read it together, while acting it out, discussing the moral of the story, and laughing the entire time!  It is so fun to see this kind of joy between two boys so far apart in age created all by a book.  With Valentines Day a few days away, we took the time to write our PALS little Valentines Day notes and share why we love each other and the time we share together.  

Current Book Count: 168

Alright wrestlers, we need you back!

From one of our sixth graders to a kindergartener!

To my Number 1 PAL!
These two boys and this book!! A story that will live in them forever!

Chapter book readers!

Sibling that read together, learn together.

One of the many 100% AR tests taken this week at PALS!

Almost to the party!